$399.00 USD

Leading Well From Within

 Early Bird Special $399.00 $299.00  

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Leading Well From Within is a 6 Week group coaching  + high-touch human experience to help you live more consciously. 

Through this experience you will...

:memo: Develop the habit of self-reflection and track your evolution as a conscious person.

:toolbox: Build an internal toolbox of practices to regulate your nervous system and alchemize stress.

:brain: Learn to leverage your own neuro-plasticity to change deep-seated habits that no longer serve you.

:heart: Tap into the intelligence and wisdom of your heart to access dormant wisdom and intuition

:arrow_down_small: Diminish the power of triggers and/or challenging people through mindful awareness and presence

:crystal_ball:Live more into your desired future instead of the programs of your limited past

:art: Tap into your creative power and potential to bring your desires to life

:palms_up_together: Co-regulate and Co-create with like-minded/hearted humans